entrata-museo ponte-pietra3


House, roads and public Roman and late antiquity buildings at the “Centro Internazionale di Fotografia” – Verona

Piazza Viviani inside the “Centro Internazionale di Fotografia”Scaligeri" – 37100 Verona (VR)

The archaeological area displays structures spanning between the I century B.C. and the XV century A.D. and particularly part of the forum and of one residential block of Roman and late antiquity Verona.

History of research

The site was excavated between 1981 and 1986, during the renovation works of the palace of the Tribunal of Verona (which today hosts the centre “Centro Internazionale di Fotografia”). The site was then restored and opened to the public in 1996.

Urban and geographical context

Verona is located along the Adige river, where this enters in the Po plain, at about thirty kilometres east to the Garda lake. Its altitude is 59 metres above sea level and it is placed at the basis of the Lessini mountains. The archaeological area is in the core of the modern as well as of the Roman city centre. With respect to the latter, the area was slightly south-east to the forum.


Second half of I B.C. – Medieval times


In Roman times and at the beginning of Late Antiquity this area was occupied by part of the forum compound and by a residential area (B) with rich domus (I, L) decorated with mosaics and repeatedly renovated until the beginning of the V century A.D. To the I century B.C. pertain the remains of a paved road (N) with its sidewalks and the bricks sewerage running underneath. To the I century A.D. we date the limestone podium of some public buildings (O, P) connected to the forum but with unknown function. Of the III century A.D. it is possible to see the bases of three semi-columns and the foundations of the walls of buildings with unknown function (G). To the second half of the IV century A.D. pertains the apsed room (E, F, H) paved with broken tiles mixed with mortar. In front of the room there is an open space paved in limestone slabs (in the centre) and with tiles and mortar (on the sides). The function of the room is not clear, but it is thought it might have nothing to do with the surrounding residential area.
Between the V and VI centuries A.D. this area undergoes a moment of strong urban changes. This is documented by the finding of a residential building (R) which was built above the Roman roads system with reused materials and which had clay floors with fireplaces directly on top.
A fire at the end of the VI century A.D. provokes the abandonment of the area, which is again occupied from the XI century A.D. by a house (S) and the cemetery (A) of “Santa Maria Antica”. From the XIII century the area belongs to the “Della Scala” family. In the XIII century Alberto Della Scala broadens his palace (D), whose tower and walls are still partially visible. In the XIV century Cansignorio Della Scala destroys the previous structures and builds a palace (M) with five towers all connected and surrounding a large courtyard.


Admission: Negli orari di apertura

Visitability: Interno

Ticket: Si

Price: 4,10 Euro, 1,50 Euro (students), 2,10 Euro (associations). The ticket is valid for visiting the site and the exhibitions of the International Photography Centre.

School access

Disabled access
Stairlift for descending to the site

Opening Times

Opening Days
Tipology When Specs
Only Friday 10-19
Only Saturday 10-19
Only Sunday 10-19
Only Thursday 10-19
Only Tuesday 10-19
Only Wednesday 10-19

The access can be temporarily suspended for the setting of photograph exibitions. It is thus recommended to call the centre before the visit.

Recommended tour time (minutes): 80

Services for visitors

Toilets inside the archaeological area


Educational Services

Brochure at the ticket counter

Information boards
Panels in Italian and in English

Multilingual ads: Inglese
Panels in English; Brochure: English, French, German

Guided Tours
Guided tours by ASTER (tel. 045 8036353; aster.segreteriadidattica@comune.verona.it)

Educational activities
Teaching activities by ASTER (tel. 045 8036353; aster.segreteriadidattica@comune.verona.it)

Library and documentation centre


Hudson P. 1985, La dinamica dell’insediamento urbano nell’area del Cortile del Tribunale di Verona. L’età medievale, in Quaderni di Archeologia del Veneto, I, pp. 50-65.
Archeologia a Verona 2000, a cura di Bolla M., Milano, pp. 44-49.
I luoghi della cultura 2006, Roma.
Bonetto J. 2009, Veneto (Archeologia delle Regioni d’Italia), Roma, pp. 445-446.

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