teatro-romano4 sala9-a

Itinerary file

Verona during the Roman Age

Itinerario di tipo: Urban journey


This trail curls round the main visible remains of the Roman age in Verona. Among Veneto cities, Verona is the one which better keeps the orthogonal city structure (together with roads, bridges, walls and doors) and the main public monuments (the court square, the theatre, the amphitheatre) built by the Romans between the 1st century B.C. and the 4th -5th century A.C. The city centre raised around the middle of the 1st century B.C. along via Postumia lay-out (built in 148 B.C. to connect Genoa to Aquileia) inside a hook of the Adige river. This city was endowed with all the necessary structures for public and private life. These perfectly preserved structures represent a wonderful opportunity for tourists to understand the shape of Verona at that time. Together with the visit of the real archeological ruins available in the open air, you can enjoy the two most important archeological museums of the town where outstanding Roman finds (mosaics, statues, ceramics, bronze wares, glasses, inscriptions) coming from Verona territory or famous private collections are held.

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Tappe del percorso

This trip will last one day by walking: 3,5 km in total. It is recommended to park at the paid parking area of piazza Isolo, which is nearby the trip first stop and not very far from the last one.