Viale Stazione 107, at the corner with Via degli Scavi - 35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)
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In the archaeological area in the street “Viale Stazione” it is possible to visit the remains of a monumental compound at Roman times, a place dedicated to body care and to relaxation. The compound included a small theatre, thermal baths and a “nymphaeum”.
History of research
The site was discovered between 1781 and 1788. The excavations were conducted by the General Direction for Archaeological Heritage in the Veneto region in 1953, between 1965 and 1970, and again between 1990 and 1994. These excavations led to the discovery of the Roman theatre and of the “nymphaeum”. Between 1990 and 1994 the site underwent a massive restoration and presentation intervention, which allowed its current visibility.
Urban and geographical context
Montegrotto Terme is located about 30 km west of Venice, at the basis of the Euganean hills and on a flat territory rich in thermal water. This archaeological site is located in the heart of the city centre.
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Roman theatre and baths in “Viale Stazione” The archaeological area in the street “Viale Stazione”, in the urban centre of Montegrotto Terme, conserves the remains of a monumental compound of Roman times, which includes a theatre, thermal baths and a “nymphaeum”.
The “cavea” of the theatre (E, which can be better seen from the street “Via degli Scavi”) has a diameter of 28 metres and hosts up to 11 rows of seats, that could be reached through three stairs, one central and two lateral ones. The area in front of the stage is semicircular; the proscenium is as large as the “cavea” and 5,5 metres deep. The “frons scaneae” is made of two rectangular and two semicircular niches alternated with three doors leading to a space about 40 metres large. On the top of the “cavea”, and on its very same axis, there was a big rectangular structure that has been interpreted either as a gallery for very important public or as a little temple. It is thought that, later on, the temple was transformed into a pool for water shows. Today most of the theatre is visible only in its foundations, since its seats and al the brick linings have gone lost.
The thermal baths include three tubs (A, B, C, which can better be seen from the street “Viale Stazione”). Tub A is about 30 metres long and it has been interpreted as tub for immersion in thermal waters. It has rectangular shape and it is contained within a rectangular building. Tub B is also about 30 metres long and has apses on both short sides and a rectangular niche on it eastern side. This tub was contained in a building and was linked to tub C through service rooms. Differently from the previous ones, tub C is round shaped and has a diameter of 9,40 metres. The discovery of external buttresses suggests that it had a doomed rooftop similar to the one that has been found in the location of Baia, near Naples. A loglines system provided the thermal baths with water and supported their discharge.
The “nymphaeum” (D) is rectangular-shaped with apse on one side. It has a fountain in the inner court and rooms on its southern side. The organization of its inside allowed to interpret this space as “nymphaeum”, that is a monumental fountain, with areas for studying and for relax. |
Admission: Negli orari di apertura
Su prenotazione;
Visitability: Esterno e Interno;
Ticket: No;
School accessSu prenotazione. Si prega di prenotare 15 giorni prima della visita telefonando al numero 345/4646227 oppure scrivendo all'indirizzo e-mail
Tipology | When | Specs |
Summer/Winter | Saturday | 16.00 - 18.00 |
Sabato ingresso gratuito senza visite guidate; gli altri giorni ingresso a pagamento (5 euro) con viste guidate su prenotazione. La prenotazione si effettua telefonando al numero 345/4646227 oppure scrivendo all'indirizzo e-mail Per visite guidate in italiano: prenotazione il giorno prima; per visite guidate in inglese o in tedesco: prenotazione 8 giorni prima. Per ulteriori informazioni:
Le aree archeologiche di Montegrotto sono visitabili su prenotazione per un gruppo minimo di 10 persone, con servizio su richiesta anche in lingua tedesca e inglese.
VENERDÌ 2-9-23-30 agosto 2013
ore 21 – 23 apertura area di viale Stazione/Via Scavi.
5 € a pp
GIOVEDì 15 agosto 2013
ore 18 - 20 apertura area viale Stazione / Via degli Scavi, seguita da aperitivo in collaborazione con il Risto Pub "Ai Scavi" che celebra il decennale della sua attività.
6 € a pp, aperitivo incluso
VENERDÌ 16 agosto 2013
ore 21 -24 apertura delle aree archeologiche in occasione di Notturni d’Arte.
3 € a pp.
I biglietti possono essere acquistati in prevendita presso gli uffici del Settore Attività Culturali in via Porciglia in Padova, dal lunedì al venerdì 8- 16, sabato 8-13 (chiuso domenica e il 15 agosto) con possibilità di acquistare il biglietto la sera stessa della visita.
Recommended tour time (minutes): 60
Services for visitors
Educational Services
Information boards
Multilingual ads: Tedesco
Guided Tours
Vite guidate a pagamento in italiano, inglese e tedesco a cura di Studio D (345/4646227; Per ulteriori informazioni:
Rinaldi M.L. 1966, Il teatro romano di Montegrotto, in Archeologia, 33-34, pp. 113-121. |
Mangani E., Rebecchi F., Strazzulla M.J. 1981, Emilia, Venezie (Guide Archeologiche Laterza), Bari, pp. 139-140. |
Tosi G. 1987, Padova e la zona termale euganea, in Il Veneto nell’età romana, II, a cura di Cavalieri Manasse G., Verona, pp. 183-191. |
Delle antiche terme di Montegrotto. Sintesi archeologica di un territorio 1997, a cura di Bonomi S., Montegrotto Terme. |
Basso P. 1999, Architettura e memoria dell'antico. Teatri, anfiteatri e circhi della Venetia romana, Roma, pp. 246-248. |
Tosi G. 2003, Gli edifici per spettacoli nell’Italia romana, Roma, pp. 495-498. |
Bonetto J. 2009, Veneto (Archeologia delle Regioni d'Italia), Roma, pp. 480-481. |