Calle Pretoria 6 (Restaurant "Gellius") - 31046 Oderzo (TV)
Web site
The archaeological area displays the rests of the Roman city walls, of one of its gates and of one road; it also shows the remains of a Medieval keep.
History of research
The excavations were carried out by the General Direction for Archaeological Heritage in the Veneto region between 1992 and 1995, on the occasion of the works for the restoration of the former prisons and the construction of the modern restaurant “Gellius”.
Urban and geographical context
Oderzo is located in the Veneto plains, between 9 and 16 metres above sea level. The territory of Oderzo is crossed by the Monticano river, which springs nearby Vittorio Veneto and which flows into the Livenza river near the village “Motta di Livenza”. The archaeological area is in the modern city centre and defined the northernmost limit of the Roman settlement.
I B.C. - IV A.D. and Medieval times
Roman city walls, gate and road at the former prisons
The Roman findings in this area all span between the end of the I century B.C. and the beginning of the I century A.D. with some later re-arrangements. The city walls (B) were 2,3 metres large and were bordered, on their inside, by an embankment which is thought to have been their battlements. The walls represent the first archaeological finding of the Roman city walls of Oderzo, which are for the rest almost unknown. The city gate (C) was made of bricks: only the basis of its eastern side can be seen today at the site. Between the III and IV century A.D. the door was strengthened by adding a second wing, which is testified by the finding of the door’s hinge. The gate was crossed by a paved road which has been interpreted as one of the north-south roads of the city and which is partially visible today in the area (D). Between VII and IX century B.C. a keep was built here (A) in connection with the restoration of the city walls. The keep is made of reused materials, among which the funerary urn of Gellius, after which the restaurant was named.
Admission: Negli orari di apertura Su prenotazione; Visitability: Interno; Ticket: No;
School accessUpon reservation
1/09Sunday16.00 - 18.00
2/06Sunday16.00 - 18.00
3/03Sunday15.30 - 17.30
5/05Sunday15.30 - 17.30
6/10Sunday15.30 - 17.30
7/04Sunday15.30 - 17.30
7/07Sunday16.00 - 18.00
The site is part of an archeological guided tour with the duration of 2 hours. The appointment is at Piazza del Foro Romano. For information and reservations call tel. 0422 815939.

Recommended tour time (minutes): 20
Services for visitors
Toilets of the restaurant "Gellius"
Restaurant "Gellius"
Educational Services
Guide a stampa
Information boards
Guided Tours
Guided tours by the association “Athena”, tel 0422 815939
Castagna D., Tirelli M. 1995, Evidenze archeologiche di Oderzo tardoantica ed alto-medievale: i risultati preliminari di recenti indagini, in Città, castelli, campagne nei territori di frontiera (secoli VI-VII), V Seminario sul Tardoantico e l’Altomedioevo in Italia Centrosettentrionale (Monte Barro – Galbiate, 9-10 giugno 1994), a cura di Brogiolo G.P., Mantova, pp. 121-134.
Gellius. Archeologia, storia, architettura e alta cucina. Oderzo (Treviso) 2003, a cura di Bandiera G., Oderzo.
Tirelli M. 2003, Itinerari archeologici di Oderzo, Treviso, pp. 19-24.
I luoghi della cultura 2006, Roma, pp. 375.
Bonetto J. 2009, Veneto (Archeologia delle Regioni d'Italia), Roma, pp. 487-488.