Via San Basilio 12 - 45012 Ariano nel Polesine (RO)
Tel. 0426 71200 - 0426 372330 - Fax 0426 372095
Web site
The archaeological area attached to the Centre “Centro Turistico Culturale San Basilio” conserves some remains of the ancient settlement in the area, and particularly the evidences of a big architectural compound of early Christian times. The compound included a church, an octagon baptistery and a small necropolis with “cappuccina” tombs.
History of research
The first discoveries in the Forzello estate at the locality “San Basilio” near Ariano Polesine date back to 1980, whereas the excavations have been carried out at various times since 1983. With the objective of arranging the archaeological area which can be visited today, further excavations have been undertaken by the General Direction for Archaeological Heritage in the Veneto region between 2005 and 2007.
Admission: Negli orari di apertura; Visitability: Esterno e Interno; Ticket: No;
School access
Disabled access
Opening Times
Daylight saving timeFriday9.00-12.30
Daylight saving timeSaturday10.00-12.00, 15.30-19.30
Daylight saving timeSunday10.00-12.00, 15.30-19.30
Daylight saving timeThursday9.00-12.30
Normal timeSaturday10.00-12.00, 15.00-17.30
Normal timeSunday10.00-12.00, 15.00-17.30
Open all festivities except S. Stephen (26 December). 15 August: 15.30-19.30.

Recommended tour time (minutes): 40
Services for visitors
Rest points
Educational Services
Guide a stampa Brochure
The guide-book is under re-printing
Information boards
Multilingual ads: Inglese
Brochure and panels in Slovenian
Guided Tours
Educational activities
Library and documentation centre
Other activities
Projections room (30 people) and conference room (100 people)