Piazza Marconi 15 - 36075 Montecchio Maggiore (VI)
Tel. 0444 492565 - Fax 0444 492565
Web site http://www.museozannato-agnochiampo.it
The “Giuseppe Zannato” Naturalistic and Archaeological Museum, presently located inside the Nineteenth century Villa Lorenzoni was called after its first curator and opened in 1922 with a lively didactic aim. The exhibition is mainly composed of two recently rearranged sections, an archaeological section (with five rooms distributed in chronological order) and a naturalistic one. The Museum is part and is also the head office of the Network of Local Museums of Agno-Chiampo which includes nine municipalities of the Western area of Vicenza.
Collection history
The Museum was opened in 1922 at the primary school “A. Manzoni” by Giuseppe Zannato who donated his heterogeneous collection of archaeological and naturalistic material (palaeontological and mineralogical items). In the 1960’s, after the collection lost some of its pieces during the Second World War, the museum was moved to its present location (piazza Marconi) where the exhibition took on, over the years and thanks to several donations, quite a regional character. In 2001, the experience of the Network of local museums started reaching its peak in 2007, when the exhibition took on a new appearance.
Admission: Negli orari di apertura Solo su prenotazione Su prenotazione; Ticket: Si; Price: 1 € adults; 0.50 € children below 18 years of age; free admission for people aged more than 65.;
School access
Opening Times
Summer/WinterMondayUpon reservation
Summer/WinterTuesdayUpon reservation
Summer/WinterWednesdayUpon reservation
Summer/WinterThursdayUpon reservation
Summer/WinterSaturday09.00-12.30 e 15.00-18.30
Summer/WinterSunday09.00-12.30 e 15.00-18.30

Recommended tour time (minutes): 75
Services for visitors
Educational Services
Information boards
Captions under exhibits
Guided Tours
Educational activities
Educational workshops
Library and documentation centre
Other activities