Piazza Duomo 6 - 36100 Vicenza (VI)
The archaeological area conserves the remains of a Roman “cryptoporticus” dating back to the I century A.D. The “cryptoporticus”, a covered passageway, pertained to a rich urban house in Vicenza and all over northern Italy it is the only remaining example of this type of underground space.
History of research
The “cryptoporticus” was discovered and excavated in 1954 by the General Direction for Archaeological Heritage in the Veneto region.
Admission: Negli orari di apertura Solo su prenotazione; Visitability: Interno; Ticket: No;
School access Upon reservation
Opening Times
SummerSecond Sunday of the month10-12
WinterSecond Sunday of the month10-12
Out of the timetable, the site is open with reservations. For information and reservations please call the C.T.G. Association - Gruppo Animatori Culturali (tel. 0444 226626; the office is open on Monday and on Wednesday 10-12).

Recommended tour time (minutes): 20
Services for visitors
Educational Services
Information boards
Multilingual ads: Inglese
Guided Tours
Guided tours by the group "Gruppo Animatori Culturali" (tel. 0444 226626; reservations: Monday and Wednesday 10-12)
Educational activities
Teaching activities by the group "Gruppo Animatori Culturali" (tel. 0444 226626; reservations: Monday and Wednesday 10-12)
Library and documentation centre