ingresso-1 sala8d


Church of San Massimo in Borghetto – Villa del Conte

Via Borghetto – 35010 Villa del Conte (PD)

The oratory of San Massimo is located in the heart of the countryside of the Alta Padovana (northern area of the province of Padua). The first worship place is likely to date back to the pre-Christian era. The Roman building was then possibly replaced between the 7th and 8th cent. by a first permanent Christian worship place. The small museum in Borghetto is particularly important, since it displays the finds discovered on site; indeed all the items come only from the excavation carried out in the early 70’s near the small oratory.


The museum is located in the central nave of the church, which displays the main finds discovered during the excavation carried out in the area surrounding the small church. The entrance for visitors is located on the southern side of the oratory; the visit starts with the display of the basement of the ancient Christian chapel, which date back to the 7th-8th cent. Also the two stone reliefs, placed on a glass table close to the altar date back to the same time; these finds are considered the most important items of the collection and depict a praying person and a lamb bearing a cross. On the northern side, adjacent to the altar, there is a pediment lying on the floor, which displays the coat of arms of the last abbot (father Quirini). The pediment was possibly removed and laid on the floor to condemn the dissolute behaviour of the prior.
The visit goes on anti-clockwise, presenting two small display cases, which contain finds dating back to the late 8th- early 9th cent.: they mainly include stone fragments of architectural decorations, some of them are very simple, whereas others feature flower and plant motifs.
The following display case contains finds dating back to the Roman period (two stamped bricks and an earthen vessel with burnt bones inside), which prove the presence of a necropolis just outside the presumed Roman sacellum. The last display case contains a baptismal font and a baked clay decorative element with phytomorphic motifs, which date back to the 12th-13th cent.


Admission: Negli orari di apertura

Ticket: No

School access

Opening Times

Opening Days
Tipology When Specs
Summer/Winter Wednesday 10.00 – 12.00 / 15.30 – 18.00
Summer/Winter Sunday 10.00 – 12.00 / 15.30 – 18.00

Nell’eventualità che il museo fosse chiuso durante gli orari di apertura si prega di contattare i seguenti numeri di telefono: 346 0510793 (presidente) o 335 5930093 (custode).

Recommended tour time (minutes): 15

Services for visitors


Rest points

Educational Services

Guide a stampa

Information boards
Outside the building only.

Captions under exhibits

Guided Tours
Booking compulsory.

Educational activities

Library and documentation centre


Borghetto. Storia di un antico borgo e dell’Oratorio di San Massimo 1999, a cura di Miotto C., Miotto P., Arcugnano.

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