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Roman house and wells in “Via dei Pozzi Romani” and in the “Parco dei Signini” – Concordia Sagittaria

Via dei Pozzi Romani 24-44 – 30023 Concordia Sagittaria (VE)

The archaeological in the street “Via dei Pozzi Romani” displays the remains of three Roman houses that during Roman times pertained to a residential area in the north-eastern side part of the town, along the “kardo maximus”, the main north-south oriented road.

History of research

The excavations were carried out by the General Direction for Archaeological Heritage in the Veneto region between 1976 and 1977, in 1980 and in 1984.

Urban and geographical context

Concordia Sagittaria is located in the north-eastern Veneto plain, in a territory surrounded by the Tagliamento river on the east and the Livenza river on the west. The main river of the city is the Lemene, which flows from the springs strip, passes through the centre of Concordia and finally flows into Valle Zignago, the northernmost extreme of the lagoon in Caorle. This archaeological area is located within the modern city centre and it used to be in the north-western districts of the Roman settlement.


I B.C. – IV A.D.


The archaeological area in the street “Via dei Pozzi Romani” preserves the remains of two out of the three Roman houses that were found during the archaeological excavations which have been carried out here since the Seventies. Of the first house, the so-called "domus dei Signini", it is possible to see today some paved rooms which are conserved within the park, in an area facing the street “Via dei Pozzi Romani”. Of the second house we can see the remains of five floor mosaics, which are exhibited on panels nearby the office of the General Direction for Archaeological Heritage in the square “piazza Cardinal Costantini”. Finally, of the third house it is possible to see two wells which were originally located in the inner courtyards and which are today displayed in the traffic island in the street “via dei Pozzi Romani”. Additionally, in another traffic island between the streets “via dei Pozzi Romani” and “via Claudia” it is possible to see part of the “kardo maximus”, which has been reconstructed here using the original materials.
The house “domus dei Signini” developed through four main building phases, in a span of time between the late Republic times and the IV century A.D. The first phase is characterized by the construction of the inner uncovered courtyard (C) which was paved with terracotta tiles. From the courtyard it was possible to access two bedrooms (A, B) and a bigger room that has been interpreted as dining-room (D). At this time all the floors were made in white mortar mixed with small pieces of mosaic (the “opus signinum”, after which the house took the name) and with an inlaid emblem in black and white mosaic.
Approximately one century later, during the second phase of the building, the dining-room was reorganized with a cavity underneath the pavement (the hypocaust). Two rooms were also added: one on the north (E), with a simple white mosaic floor, and one on the south (F) with apse, mortar pavement and side niche, which has been interpreted as a “nymphaeum”.
In late antiquity, probably during the III century A.D., the house is restructured for the third time. At this time one more room (H) is incorporated, with little fill walls and terracotta tiles.
In the IV century A.D. the house undergoes the last renovation intervention, which is documented by the insertion of a room (L) in the southern part of the house, completely separated from the rest of the building.


Visitability: Esterno

Ticket: No

School access

Opening Times

Recommended tour time (minutes): 40

Services for visitors

“Northern Parking” of the Concordia archaeological itinerary

Educational Services

Guide a stampa

Information boards

Multilingual ads: Inglese
Panels also in Slovenian

Guided Tours
For any information about guided tours please call tel. 0421 275677.

Educational activities
Teaching activities by the association "Studio D Friuli" (Francesca Benvegnù, tel. 3463257139; e-mail:

Library and documentation centre


Croce Da Villa P. 1980, Concordia Sagittaria, in Aquileia Nostra, LI, pp. 397-398.
Croce Da Villa P. 1985, Concordia Sagittaria: scavi 1984. La domus dei signini, in Quaderni di Archeologia del Veneto, I, pp. 39-41.
Croce Da Villa P. 1987, Concordia, in Il Veneto nell’età romana, II, a cura di Cavalieri Manasse G., Verona, pp. 407-411.
Croce Da Villa P. 2001, Le case, in Concordia Sagittaria. Tremila anni di storia, a cura di Croce Da Villa P., Di Filippo Balestrazzi E., Padova, pp. 176-178.
Il Museo Nazionale Concordiese di Portogruaro e le aree archeologiche di Concordia Sagittaria 2001, a cura di Croce Da Villa P. , Concordia Sagittaria (VE), pp. 65-68.
Annibaletto M., Pettenò E. 2009, Abitare a Iulia Concordia. Revisione e aggiornamento dei dati, in Intra illa moenia domus ac Penates (Liv. 2, 40, 7). Il tessuto abitativo nelle città romane della Cisalpina, Atti delle Giornate di Studio (Padova, 10-11 aprile 2008), a cura di Annibaletto M., Ghedini F., Roma, pp. 65-77.
Bonetto J. 2009, Veneto (Archeologia delle Regioni d’Italia), Roma, pp. 496.

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